(via Michael Surtees)
(I would give some links but i am waaay too tired and/or lazy)
-begin plans for halloween costume party...if you live in AZ you are invited ;)-finish 2 concepts on my poster art idea-learn one three chord song on my guitar-actually plan something special for husband (our 7th anniversary is approaching)-make dinner for my family three nights a week (this one is haaaaaaard!)
(This isn't to say I think i am an amazing mother...CONFESSION: while other moms were sobbing in the school hallways, I was basically skidding out of the parking lot on my daughter's first day of kindergarden)....but rather that I know motherhood is an amazing calling....my most important on this earth, in fact! And since blogging about it is one way i chose to connect with the world...well that makes me a "mommy blogger". There I said it. So even though i never intended to be a "M.B"....by recognition of my readers, that is the content that has predominantly, and often times ungracefully, come out of my head. And I am so totally proud of that! So whether I am deserving or not, I have been pleasantly surprised by my nomination for the Project Mommyhood:
s: how come you're brown?
woman: (laughing) well, that's just how God made me.
s: yeah, but...you're really brown.
woman: (laughing harder) it's kinda like chocolate, huh?
s: (thinking...) well, Chocolate is yummy.What a good sport she was to come and report to my husband, after Sheamus had left to play, how cute he was (and what he had said). Who knows, maybe he was just trying to hit on her and that was just his inappropriate pickup line??