

take me away...

i always dream about having an old awesome car that i could drive around with the windows down.
but then i remember how much i love air conditioning.
and non musty smelling cars. 
with cozy interiors...
and automatic windows :)

but i reeeeallly wouldn't mind having one of these.

Have an amazing weekend!

(Project Boo deadline is MONDAY)


ArizonaLewis said...

oh boo.
i'm a failure.
i kinda stopped video-ing when i got my new cam.
i think of you with everything i do "is this good enough for project TB?" usually , it's not.
i'll think of something.
i'd hate to jeopardize our online love affair.

boots said...

i just finished! i posted it on my pg but will send it to you on monday, once i figure out how ... :)

Kera said...

we have a scooter store right by my house, and everyday i drive by it and i'm like, if i didn't have stretch marks, kids, and a flabby ass, I would look great on a aquamarine scoot. boo.

Steoffrey said...

Best investment we ever made. (Until we get a puppy) (And then a sidecar for our puppy.)

I'm probably going to be super unlate-y-like and turn in a video post deadline.

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