this summer video was made by two best friends...soon to be separated by a great distance, but forever connected by good times :)Such a great summer memory of mine! Sleeping on the trampoline under the stars ...and then jumping all day with the hose on full blast.
my "project boo"
...the contest is alive and well.
It's totally not too late!
{Which includes upload time, feeding my kids twice, tidying my kitchen,
and a solid game of both Twister and Candy Land.}
You can do it!!
SO...without further ado,
{from our recent trip to California}
here is my summer video:
{*FYI: all my footage was captured with a regular camera's video setting. If you're working with a PC, check out your "Movie Maker" application? or go here }
ALSO: If you are on the verge of punching your computer and/or yourself in the face, just email me so we can figure it out together, and spare that beautiful mug of yours. I will be posting your videos intermittently until the end of the contest {july31} so watch for yours! a gem, spread the word yo.
Oh Tim! so crazy.
Look how amazing this is gonna be...
{unfortunately it will, without a doubt, give my kids nightmares}
i like it,
stuff that's wack
next time i'll try reverse psychology...or a Taser?
The best thing about beach towns are the vibrant colors...i was in heaven!
These pictures are too funny to me cause i was all "bid-ness" just trying to get my kids to stand together, while they did everything but was a much needed reminder for me as to how UN-serious life should be ;)
deep thoughts,
my loves,
sucker forcolor,
To NorCal with love...
we. are. BACK.
we had tons of fun.
but, as we all know, the worst part of vacation is returning home...
-kids who are demanding full time entertainment
-cranky mom
-kids making more messes faster than i can clean them
-no food in the house = again, cranky mom
{even the gym was closed!! what the heck??}
Sheamus accused me of being a "serious monster mom"...but i have justified this title due to the fact that traveling constipation aka: "vacation poo syndrome" has caused him {who claims we have "no toilets"} to poop a weeks worth of burritos and sandy chips into his underwear just this morning. This has turned my already explosion of a house into a disgusting buttercupped explosion of a house. And i am ready to blow myself to the moon.
So while i gather my is a photo montage of our adventures ;)
my loves,
stuff that's wack,
why fathers are important...
"Look, I don’t have a lot of personal life experience, but if i have learned anything from my “SIMS” family…it's that when a child doesn’t see his father enough, he starts to jump up and down, and then his mood level will drop….until he pees himself."
easy breezy.
do you miss us??
{pretend you do}
we are alive!
in the adorable Capitola, CA.
....where the hippie population is crazy awesome, and {on the same token} peeps don't care if your not wearing pants ;)
* i am LOVING your Project BOO videos. Keep em comin'!!
until i find a wireless signal....
Enjoy your weekend!
{and week}
we are off
to a tiny pink beach house
...with absolutely zero internet connection :)
my loves
operation: muffin top
Let us face the facts, shall we?:
-many of us have had kids
-most of us have dignity
Why aren't these in every bathing suit store?? Someone pleeeease tell me why on earth they are focusing on bringing back shoulder pads, rather than mass producing these timeless gems?....instead of ones that make me look like a dowdy early '90s mom. Some of us want to "rock what our mamma gave us" in a flattering one piece, and not look like we are bubble wrapped in a lycra floral pattern reject. I do not have the luxury of a private beach....there are other people outside, and i am willing to bet most of them HAVE. EYES. Ones that can see me building a sand castle with the seven inch wedge that my butt ate for breakfast. and then again for a snack. Please don't get me wrong...BE. COMFORTABLE. IN. YOUR. OWN. SKIN....your body is a masterpiece...a gift! I couldn't care less if some perspective-less waif were judging my love-handles, and the sand covered chips i was eating...cause maybe i like my small curves.....but don't necessarily need to showcase my au naturale goods in four inches of fabric ;) So no matter your size, why can't we all just be rockin' this style? But speaking of bathing suit season, let us be a bit nicer to ourselves...check it.-all of us dread bathing suit season
*but lets NOT bring back those sweet little swim caps....cause my face would look gi-normous :) Also....WEAR SUNSCREEN!!
deep thoughts,
stuff that's wack
project boo.
...and that is why we all love it so.

{i just realized that my first banner read slightly like "project POO"...oops.
And since it didn't apply to any film making that would interest ME, i had to change it. But thematically speaking, it did rather suit the content of my life}
It's not about who is the biggest art snob, but it IS about making a movie creation you can be proud of! Like sweet Cara, who linked her little movie to me last week. simple and sweet!
SO.....just make a short summer video and sent it to me by JULY 31st labeled "Project Boo" {}...then i can post it here! I'll even help you if you have a little question or two :) Maybe there will even be a sweet prize at the end for my fave??...that's assuming anyone sends me any. Who knows, it might be suuuuper easy to win. But don't get too carried away with what the prize might be cause...well, i'm eating chocolate pudding for LUNCH....thats how i roll ;)
Here are a few of my favorite movie finds...
{FYI: i realize these videos are made by semi, if not real professionals, so i am not expecting the same caliber
...they are just to get your wheels a turnin'}
also, Kera says she'll be your friend if you love this video as much as she does...and believe me you want to be her friend :)
So if you have a MAC, there is NO excuse why you haven't made your own! don't be intimidated, eets so easy!! But first, lets see who's down. Just leave me a comment...
...also, spread the worrrrrrd!
{find my creations here.}
Fun with Team Boo,
lone ranger.
last weekend i was home alone.
no husband no kids
just me, some movies, a double double and an occasional 3 hour nap.
it was incredible.
I'll admit though, at first i was all:
"will i be lonely?
i mean...who's gonna kick the door repeatedly while i go to the bathroom?
...who is gonna gag at the dinner i serve?
...who will hide logs of poop in the linen closet?
...who's gonna make sure every pillow is thrown on the floor?
...who's gonna grab my boobs when my hands are occupied and i can't defend myself?"
BUT then the car door shut,
and i was practically doing cartwheels along the 200 degree pavement.
turns out i exist just fine on a weekend alone ;)
deep thoughts,
my man is facial hair challenged, so i'm grateful mustaches are kinda cool lately cause that's all he can grow :)
1. key rack : i saw this on Target online a long time ago...but is now made through various etsy sites...or maybe i make one??
2. pencil disguise : who doesn't hold the pencil between their nose and top lip when they are deep in thought....eets PARfect!
i like it
ro-bo love.
Why cant i be productive AND blog? I'll tell you why....cause it is against the rules of this universe! So that is why i've been MIA. But i'm still grateful to you patient readers :) Please enlighten me if you are good at balancing the two. My friend once wisely wrote this to me in an email...
When i get on a "blogging roll", my kids start eating Doritos for dinner, and i don't even buy chips! {figure that one out} And then i feel like a robo-mom....which isn't SO bad, cause robots are super trendy right now {wink wink.}
"I was supposed to be putting my finishing touches on my Mom's album, and I got sucked into cyberheaven on Earth.....or is it HELL??? in disquise. Now look what you did, Mac!!! You ruin all my plans and aspirations! You make me envy and lust after better people and pretty things!
Instead of DOING stuff I just sit with you and fester about possibilities, ideas, projects and purchases. You manipulate me to set the bills aside and ignore the laundry buzzer, the tired sticky baby and the whiny hungry child. Everyday that I come around you rob me of my valuable time. And still I come back to you, again and be lured into your snare, and seduced by your hypnotic glare."
When i get on a "blogging roll", my kids start eating Doritos for dinner, and i don't even buy chips! {figure that one out} And then i feel like a robo-mom....which isn't SO bad, cause robots are super trendy right now {wink wink.}
{image ffffound here }
Anywho, you will all be glad to know that my kids have been eating normal meals, nails clipped, swim lessoned, cleanly clothed and thoroughly cuddled by their human mother. please accept this as a consolation for my affections...
....thanks for understanding :)
*I can't lie, even though he is an inch SHORTER than me, and once played a half goat man...i just want to french him.
Fun with Team Boo
nice booty.
i wanna win this!!
Three little words bracelet via ohhellofriend
sweetly crafted by Market store ....
also here's my newest etsy purchase...
found on the adorable pink needle
aaaaaaaand a surprise custom charm necklace gift
{inspired by some of my favorite things}
from my sweet and creative sister Lisa
and her revamped vintage jewelry line Buffalo Gal.
{for ordering info email me at}
How did i get SOOO lucky?
here's to wearing fancy jewelry with pajamas!!!
i like it,
shout outs
truly truly TRULY.
this post is long overdue...
i think its best i get it out of all our systems.
{even if it might be a little annoying to her mom??}
I am thankful to her parents for conceiving her.
i dare you to not get this stuck in your head.
40 year lovers!
Last week i had the honor of helping my friend Summer congratulate her sweet parents on their 40 years of marriage. With the Arizona heat, we had to take this surprise party inside and downstairs. It actually worked out perfectly when her parents arrived early, but still had no idea that I was putting together the finishing touches down below. I had to climb out the window well as to not raise suspicion as to why some strange scummy neighbor lady was emerging from the basement for their traditional quartlerly "family birthday gathering"
this is an easy illustrator label {and fast way to personalize an event} i made to glue over the lemonade bottles for each table round:
as always, we scoured our houses for things we already had for a very low budget decorating cost.
{I think Summer spent under $100 bucks! }
Fun with Team Boo,
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