There once was a good boy name was Sheamus. For cuddles and smoochies was famous. A mild mannered boy, what a bundle of joy. Our sweet little monkey named Sheamus.
But one day his mother did think, "he is awfully big for that Bink"(2 1/2!). So they gathered them all, gave "binky fairy" a call. "This plan, (this monkey thought) stinks!"

Then Kung Foo Panda they did see, that way "he could still feel happy", but this munchkin was smart and payback was an art, "oh how they'll wish that they never crossed me!"
It was this day "kung Foo Tiger" was stirred, he'd wake up like a buffalo herd (and also before the sun), while his mom tried to sleep, without making a peep, this "tiger" started acting absurd.

Our shy "Mo's" still in there too, he comes out when the growling is through, despite throwing toys at my head, throwing fits before bed, this boy is still sweet through and through!
the end.