photo by: nonchalant mom
You know those moms who are so annoyingly adorable you kind of want to...i don't know...steal their life (or at least their brain....okay and their skin). Well, i must confess that i have a slight internet crush on this one. I know this all sounds very Hand-that-Rocks-the-Cradle of me, but i think you will agree that Carina Schott who founded Nonchalant Mom, has an awesome website with all sorts of sweet products and ideas, and super cute blog to boot!
Frankly, I hate/love her. She has my dream business: A laid back and modern collection of toys, clothes, vintage, and parenting ideas that i covet on every level. Her home amazing home was also featured in Domino mag (another huge favorite of mine) a little while back. Okay, so maybe i got sucked into the "competitive mothers" vortex, my admiration masquerading as psychosis, but for reals her site is browse worthy (also, please don't be scared of me :)

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