I am so in love with my new "ID" charms. A few posts back i posted about those fingerprint necklace charms, and
then they went on sale, so i ordered two (for my
two kids). The "kit" (don't be intimidated ...extremely simple) arrived in one business day, and after i mailed it back it arrived back to me just as fast. I couldn't be more happy with it. I told my husband had he thought of
and surprised me with it I'd have cried fo sho! (but he didn't, so i didn't) but i love it, and him, just the same :)
*sorry my camera blows and can't focus on a close up zoom. If you want a better look at the charms, minus the stringy hair, click
here (for all you lazies who don't want to just scroll down).
ok so I loved the idea but I thought well that's cute but what do you do if you have 2 kids...duh you just do one for each. super cute!
no,save the $$ and just pick your favorite kid ;)
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