Mid summer Elyott and I collected caterpillars, put them in a mason jar with twigs and leaves for food (awwwww). We watched as the first night one climbed to the top of a branch and hung precariously upside down wiggling back and forth as it started it's amazing transformation. soooo exciting. In the morning we ran to check it's progress only to find that it had fallen down...and died. :(
"Well, at least we have 5 more in there" i assured. Turns out that was the closest we'd come to hatching a butterfly. All others sat and eventually crusted away, unfortunately so did our dreams of experiencing some of "earth's magic". Elyott got over it almost immediately. I on the other hand, continue to be haunted by my handicap of all things nature: plants, and now apparently bugs).
As a plan"b"we made a mobile tribute to the butterflies that could have been (sigh):

"butterfly wood" by elyott
Buzz Lightgear "on watch"
Mom is happy Elyott is over her begging for a Tinkerbell room!
...oh happy endings!
whoa... I havn't checked your blog in a few days and you have tons to read. Your paper butterflies turned out so cute and are better than the real thing. Also, you don't have to worry about these ones dying :)
They are just bugs right??? But if you want to try it again there is a company called insect lore that will deliver caterpillars to your door with food included and its pretty fun and killer proof. I mean if Aydan and I hatched some, you can hatch some.We did have one bite the dust though. I love your mobile it is beautiful.
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