

dirty deeds and they're done dirt cheap.

Since 100+ temps are just around the corner, I am gearing up for a basement makeover. That way my kids and i will have a place to play that doesn't look like toy purgatory. A place misguided and underutilized. My problem? I have no money. like NONE. I can work miracles with budget design, but unfortunately my house is the red headed step child of my life and is always second fiddle to my creative endeavors. 

So this is where i shamelessly beg for the help of my empathetic demographic (that's you): Mandi at vintage revivals is hosting an "epic makeover" to one lucky reader (me?) where she will personally come and help revamp a space that needs some serious direction (my basement!). Plus Mandi, if you're out there, kid spaces are so fun because anything goes since kids can't stop you aren't...picky (horse mobiles, the color orange, ridiculous murals, disco balls...circus freaks!?) the weirder the better.

So whether i am chosen or not, i will sell lemonade, donate plasma, tap dance on the street corner...whatever it takes to earn the cash to spruce it up a bit. It is our only survival plan for the summer months. I will chart my progress here, and then at the end we can have a big AZ-onian blog playdate at my house! Cause there "ain't no party like a Liz Lemon party cause a Liz Lemon party is MANDATORY" (i've had that stuck in my head for like three days now) 

here is my very sad before (p.s. we've lived here six years and it still looks like an taupe box where fun goes to die):

The sky is the limit! (actually $$ is the limit...but you know what i mean) I'll let you know when the voting starts...

team Boo 's you


Anonymous said...

First of all, I must say that any blog that quotes Liz Lemon is all right in my book!

And your contest entry is fun!

Megan Marie said...

I hope you win win win!

Rachel said...

I'm jealous that you have a basement! Where do you find one of those in the valley?

Jayna Rae said...

Just checking out the entrants. You were the first I looked at. I love the fact that you have a bar she could redo. Hmmm . . .

Anonymous said...

This is awkward because you don't know me but I randomly stumbled upon your blog a few months ago and thoroughly enjoy the way you write. Let me just say, in a totally non-creepy way I swear, that a chalkboard wall was the best thing that ever happened to my child/teenagehood. You can paint it yourself and its fun for days....Just saying.

Unknown said...

You have a trampoline in your basement?! Awesome. That's a party right there.

Kate said...

I'm voting for you to win Mandi's Epic makeover. Why? B/c you have a trampoline in your basement. You can't get more awesome than that!

Good luck!

Kayla aka Kilo Bravo said...

Congrats on making it into the top 15! Totally jealous but I can't wait to see what you can create with Mandi if you win! Good luck!

Unknown said...

I am so jealous that you have a trampoline in your basement. Congrats on making to the top 15, although since I am also in the top 15 I have to honestly say I kinda hope you don't win. :) But good luck anyway. Loosing to you wouldn't be so bad.

Holly Kennedy said...

Congratulations! What a fantastic space! I am sure Mandi is already thinking of amazing things to do if you win!

Shannon Price said...

I came to your blog from Mandy's, just cause I had to see the blog of the lady with the trampoline in her basement:). I know that as I type the judges are narrowing it down to the top 5... Hope you make it in, and if you do you've got my vote!!! Awesome space, but then again, so much space!! I would need assistance, and $$ too. Good luck!

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