And it was hot! Thankfully, deliriousness and the one inch thick layer of grime coated on my skin protected me from feeling just about everything except for pure elation at the turnout of this event!
I chose to do a garage sale because in this tough economy many find it hard to just hand out their money, even in the face of an amazing cause. I wanted to find a completely justifiable way for anyone to feel they could spend money on things they want to buy/need. There are so many people who needed a way to help but couldn't figure out they could! Also...I am a huge thrift store girl, so i can appreciate a good find :)
Set up was nuts! We were literally up to our neck in mounds of stuff to organize, clean, spray paint, and price. Can i just say how much i LOVE LOVE LOVE all of my friends (old and brand new) that worked countless hours two nights straight (into the wee hours)to bust out this sale.
And oh the treasures we found! Some highlights: granny panties that could have fit two people, you already saw the doll that could have come alive and killed any one of us in our sleep (if we had gone to sleep) a box full of creepy porcelain masks that one woman purchased all together (she should have won a prize for being so brave, bless her heart) a plethora of awesome Huxtable family sweaters, and various bags of children's clothes smelling of feces (which we threw away, no worries.) We even ignored the child labor laws and put our babies to work :) No minute was spared, we were in the zz-zz-zone.
If you weren't there in the first hour you have no idea how much stuff we had for sale, and the amazing transformation that clubhouse made. Here are some pictures of before and afters to get a small idea of what we were up against (keep in mind none of these show the stuff that completely wrapped around the entire clubhouse patio areas outside)...
I set out with a goal to raise a humble 5 hundred dollars, and in the end we raised a little over $5000!!!!!

Basically i love everyone who was a part of the this. Kara i love your perfectly stated post that i hope you don't mind me pasting here...
chaos into calm
willing hands to work
time (a lot of it) into money
sleep deprived and happy i write to nie,
i don't know you, but i will forever be touched by your fervor in this life.
i've been blessed to be a part of this event in your honor.
as you know, there are so many rooting for you.
i am certainly one of them.
my service was a drop in the bucket, i know.
i am just happy to have been a part.
Look at all my beautiful friends/slaves (many not pictured) A GINORMOUS thanks to Jolleen (my saving grace and kindred spirit :) Bert (my sister from another mutha and huge help for weeks prior), Stephanie and Lisa (my actual, very pregnant and amazingly artistic sisters), Emily (joleen's actual sister/slave, and our eye candy in the wee hours of the night ;), Kara (for slaving away on her birthday weekend and being willing to wear the smallest shirt :), Kami (for being the sweetest at taking orders and not leaving me alone Thursday night) Summer (who wins the award for all her fabulous ideas, calm presence and inappropriately stylish worker shoes), Courtney (for some of the cutest donations, cutest two year old and for laughing at all my stupid wanna be jokes), Debra (two words: cinnamon rolls, and more pregnant help...okay that's six words:) my neglected and very supportive husband Adam, and let us not forget good old "FANNY".
And thanks, of course, to all other various donators and helpers and those who helped spread the word: Courtney (CJane) and Reachel Bagley (as always!) and Lynda Hammond (the Garage Sale Gal) . Also Liz (for dealing with counting money at checkout when none of us sleepless girls could speak english, let alone add or spell), Misti P, Misti T, the clarks, Rodney, Rachel (Earl Photography) , Lisa and her homemade/canned good amazingness, Vanessa (Sashay jewelry) , Gordon Biersch , Z Tejas , Philosophy, Summer (yoga), Emily Heap(hair cut), Lisa Ebner(haircut), Carabbas , Neds Krazy Subs , Anna (babysitter and thankless clothes folder!)
aaaaaand our bakers: Kari, Ann, Lisa B's cinnamon roll recipe, Amy, and Michelle V. who baked on her birthday!! And to all others who baked, bought, and made anonymous donations that i couldn't keep track of! Am i forgetting anyone?? sorry if your not listed...(The music is staring to play on my boring drawn out acceptance speech, so i'll stop)
***Also, keep checking our blog for info on the Mesa Garage sale that Jolleen Hansen will be hosting in a couple of weeks. We can't stop....we are crazed women on a mission. We challenge Mesa to a raise off!