

fall shmall.

Ever wonder how people in the armpits of the world mentally survive the anti-Fall? They sink into a deep denial where they are safe eating hot tortilla soup and wearing fleece like the rest of you, with a few tricks:

1. Play in grass clippings instead of leaves (warning: may cause itchiness and ant bites)

2. Wear layers the second it dips below 80 (and then rip them all off in a sweaty rage when noon rolls around) 

Today it was 76 F. (monotoned) brrrrrr. 
Don't worry though, next week will be back up to the usual inapprope 90's.

3. When all else fails, you watch a lot of Harry potter, and do Harry Potter-y/magic things. Actually most british movies do the trick (minus the ones starring Jason Statham).

Happy Fall-ish!

team Boo 's you


Artsy Aut said...

I love this post! As a non fall person its nice to know Im not alone!

kellichristinecase said...

ahahah i don't know why but this post seriously cracked me up!

Angela [Simply Simple Me] said...

That last picture is too much. so cute!

teamBoo said...

screw you Autumn! you live in freaking hawaii! ;)

MaryPosa said...

Ahhhh!! Sheamus shrunk Elyott!!!

We have fall in Southern Utah, so, you know... maybe you should come up here or something. You could eat butternut squash soup. You can't get more "fall" than that.

Megan Marie said...

so funny! i should sent you a box of leaves.

and i adore the last photo. your kids rock.

Lindsay Rondo said...

okay you and your kids are just too much fun.
I love it all.


Aly said...

Your kiddos are too cute!!! I love your blog!

brooke field said...

love your fall door wreath!

Renee said...

Can I pay you to make me a wreath like that? Not joking.

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