The last time I went to the doctor, someone told me that they "had a dog named Sonny!"....TRULY, what every eager mother wants to hear.Yesterday Sonny and I took a trip outside the batcave for a checkup. And that is when my day went from normal to awesome. I was just minding my own business when a lady came to take a peek...
"oh he's so cute!....Is he Mexican?"
Say what?Doth my ears decieve me?Did Adam secretly pay a stranger to ask me that so I'd shut up already about adopting a child?? (see here and here )
"no.... just a little jaundiced" I coyly replied.
Could it be? Did I actually WILL my body to miraculously make a partially latino child?!?What I couldn't let on was that I maybe peed my pants a little with (dillusional) excitement at the thought (cause let's be real, the kid looks white). However, being of latin decent herself, I figured her a credible enough source to atleast pretend the crazed look in my eye I wore for the rest of the day was justified....If she only knew what a weirdo I was.Thank you universe for validating my efforts to venture out of the house...and for reignighting my tolerance of strangers that insist on talking to me in waiting rooms ;)
Omg. I don't think I have laughed that hard in a lonnnggg time! Hahahaha! Hilarious! My question is...who would ask that?! Like really. haha. oh people.
I was wondering when this would come up so I could tell you this: When I played around with the idea of naming my second Sonny, my sister asked me, "But what is it short for?" It doesn't help that I sometimes call Harrison, Sonny. So if you ever run into someone who says this to you, I apologize in advance, and say hi to my sister for me.
Sonny is technically short for "Santino" if you live your life by "The Godfather" standards. My father in law calls all the boy grandchildren sonny when he can't remember their real names, so we figured we'd make it easy on him :) too bad generic third child! Sucka.
my kids actually are part latino and I will never ever ever have a stranger ask me if they are because they are the whitest blondest blue eyed kids ever!!!!!!!!
so I guess what I'm really saying is I'm jealous. :)
He is so cute!!! I am half Mexican so we will see what the cards have in store when my husband and I have kids. I can't get over how adorable that picture is !! Much love! xo
We get the dog comment almost every day. Our son is Ossian but we call him Ossi (sounds like Ozzy). We also get asked if he's named after Ozzy Osbourne. I tell them yes, and that we got him a bat chew-toy and we're trying to teach him to bite its head off.
that made me laugh. it makes a little more sense knowing that she was mexican.
and about the dog know i have a milo. the otis joke never gets old (yes it does).
he's like a chihuahua.
sonny the latino puppy.
oh he is so cute!
Omg. I don't think I have laughed that hard in a lonnnggg time! Hahahaha! Hilarious! My question is...who would ask that?! Like really. haha. oh people.
that is seriously hilarious!!!
Hahaha, so cute!
I was wondering when this would come up so I could tell you this: When I played around with the idea of naming my second Sonny, my sister asked me, "But what is it short for?" It doesn't help that I sometimes call Harrison, Sonny. So if you ever run into someone who says this to you, I apologize in advance, and say hi to my sister for me.
Sonny is technically short for "Santino" if you live your life by "The Godfather" standards. My father in law calls all the boy grandchildren sonny when he can't remember their real names, so we figured we'd make it easy on him :) too bad generic third child! Sucka.
my kids actually are part latino and I will never ever ever have a stranger ask me if they are because they are the whitest blondest blue eyed kids ever!!!!!!!!
so I guess what I'm really saying is I'm jealous. :)
He's adorable.
i can totally relate about the love of latino children.
He is so cute!!! I am half Mexican so we will see what the cards have in store when my husband and I have kids. I can't get over how adorable that picture is !! Much love! xo
He is adorable! My son is almost 3 weeks and I'm enjoying him sooo much. He's my first baby so I'm kinda winging it. Anyways, Congrats!
..... he isn't mexican?!?
Fooled me.
We get the dog comment almost every day. Our son is Ossian but we call him Ossi (sounds like Ozzy). We also get asked if he's named after Ozzy Osbourne. I tell them yes, and that we got him a bat chew-toy and we're trying to teach him to bite its head off.
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