

lets hear it for the boy.

Is it just me, or is everyone having girls??
It seems there are so many sweet little dresses and dollies online meant to inspire
but what about the boys!
 Over at this cute little site they are putting all things little boy at the top of their to do list...

look at these little pants!!
I must make some.
join me :)

or these little shirts .
So nerdy that they're cute.

team boo 's you


Sara said...

If that is really what nerdy means, then please nerd that kid up because those clothes are so cute!

emily said...

how exciting!! but i must say, one of my best friends just had a boy. and the other best friend is going to have a boy... :)

kyality said...

congrats. BTW, i TOTALLY have the same hot wheels car!

Michelle said...

Congratulations Carolyn!!!! I just heard the news from Auntie Virginia! Can't wait to see the little man!

Bridget said...

at your blog for the first time- love it and love that baby clothing!

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