

mask the problem

This is normally the time of year where my creative juices come alive and i want nothing more than a reason to transform life into make believe...but this year it was like pulling teeth to get me in the mood (yes the day has come).  Apparently all the pre halloween hoopla found me too tired to "trick" myself out. Despite my munchkins looking adorable as ever, I could not have been more sick of looking at my house covered in black and spider webs. You see, i have started a mind shift of eliminating "clutter", and all those skulls and spanish moss...well they just made my house dark and annoying. I don't even think i was awake 1 hour November 1st before i began tearing all the spooky crap down at a crazy lady pace.
Call me a scrooge if you will....It's not that i don't love the candy and the costumes, i do, but each mini snickers bar i handed out to the "skank" themed trick or treating teenager, grew my fantasy of ambushing her with raw eggs. Perhaps it was the combo of my complete disappointment with the Halloween presentation at Target, and the fact that Joannes was out of haunted Gingerbread houses. Maybe it was solely the fact that i bought some awesome clown pants at a thrift store this summer only to find that my butt was a little hungrier now than it was in July.  
Regardless... it came, it went and i am left with my sweet picture memories of my kids loving every minute. Also, enjoy my super fake smile...
the end.

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