**find details for H♥pe for Nie Charity yard sale round 2 here.
**read why I'm doing the sale here.
**find results of 1st amazing Nie Sale here.

What is cool even in the AZ summer heat??....wearing your heart on your sleeve!

Admit it: you like to help, and (perhaps even more) you like to buy stuff. Why not do both! Donate to a good cause (and purge your dust ridden household items) for the: "h♥pe for Nie" Nielson charity garage sale!
who: anyone who likes to give things or buy stuffwhat: baked goods, furniture, silent auctions, crafts/art, and nick knackswhere: Agritopia community centerwhen: 7 am to 1pm sat sept 27th(I will be accepting donations of sell-able non "trash" items (*very important!) between now through Sept 25th to put up for sale in this community effort!! I'll store it in my garage just for you!...good for your husband, bad for mine ;)
why: because we♥Nie!
We will also be selling some of Stephanie's famous favorite baked good recipes (and some fresh cinnamon rolls!!). If you are interested in donating/volunteering your stuff, creations, time, entertainment (??) or if you just have mad baking skills please email me at csdike@yahoo.com
Get involved....sept 27th!!!
would love to help. i'll give crap and buy crap. let me know where you want me. should i post this on my blog?
i wish I could help but the ocean creates a bit of distance. If you don't mind I'm going to post on my blog about it so maybe some of my AZ peeps will help out or at least coem buy!!
The response to Stephanie's unfortunate accident has been amazing! She is so warm and kind to every person she meets, and deserves to have the world rally on her behalf. I would love to be a part of it.
I can donate yoga sessions, and tons of "treasures" to the cause.
Yeah, that was actually me, Summer...that was offering to donate yoga sessions. I can't be certain that Mitchell wouldn't teach a class or two, but I can pretty much bet it would be entertaining.
Count me in. Just tell me what to do. You are so good to get this going.
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