

never nude.

I have been trying to be better about hitting up the gym. Sometimes this means I don't make it until the evening when i'd rather be at home with team Boo. But there is a consolation to this, and that is the totally different eye candy there after 5 P.M. 

If this isn't a guy after my own heart, i don't know what is...

In a perfect world, we would have locked eyes from across the gym, i would be wearing tearaway running shorts that would reveal my own cutoffs underneath, without a word being spoken we would do a high five that morphed into a foot grab. Only in a perfect world. Unfortunately, i fear it isn't quite ready for that (jelly).

Stay tuned for more drag free queens next week! 

team Boo 's you


  1. Was that LA Fitness? I swear I've seen that guy before sporting those same cutoffs, hightops and a pretty sweet mullet! Love it!!

  2. I have one of those at my gym too!! A never-nude AND a dwight schrute copycat!

  3. never-nudes hahahaaa. I LOVE that show!

  4. i loved the "in a perfect world"

    also, on a scale of 1-10, how lame is it that i use a screen name referencing never nudes for online dating. in my profile i've listed "if you don't know the reference to my screen name, don't bother messaging me."

    just weeding them out.

  5. I wore my cut-offs at Disneyland. You would have been so proud.

  6. I LOVE A NEVERNUDE! that is fantastic.

  7. i always want to comment but the only thing i ever have to say is ... "hahahahahaha"

  8. hahahahaha!!! oh tobias funke and the plight of the never nude :).

  9. funniest thing that i've read (and seen) in ages.
