

gift in a jiff.

you know how a quilt is time consuming and may sit in squares for like two years before you finish it? this is my perfect solution. It's all the scraps from the cutting (of said squares) made into a mini quilt (that baby won't drag all over the ground and refuse to let you wash) that I can make in a couple hours! And I'm not a "sewer"...remember the pillow

It makes a great baby gift when you have no money (which is still most of us, right? RIGHT!?) The "lucky" recipient of my mediocre skills was Lucy, my new adorable sweet little niece (that's a lot of adjectives...and i haven't even met her yet! so you know she's cute ;)

team Boo 's you

*p.s. head over and officially "meet the team" by clicking our family picture on the top left


  1. that quilt is so cute, as is the descriptions of your fam. also, if you didn't know by now, i'm pregggggggnant. BAM.

  2. Wow I love it! And all of the colors are gorgeous!! Great job! High Five lady! xo

  3. just stop it right now. you and everyone else that make beautiful things while claiming not to be a sewer. one day I might just have to figure that one out. this mini quilt is bright and cheery and i love it. excuse me while i go buy something on sale.

  4. Um, I love this quilt! Screw Candyland, and make a tutorial--he, he!

  5. Did you mean to say that we LOOK retarded? ;)

    Ps- youre so domestic it's retarded.

  6. I'm stealing this idea. In fact, I've already started on it. My husband (as funny as this is) loves having a smaller blanket over the top of his feet when he sleeps. So I'd been planning on making him a small quilt for Christmas just for his feet that said (cleverly enough) "FEET". But it's been slow going on that idea. This way is MUCH faster. And this will be much less likely to make me think, "SMELLY" or "GROSS" everytime I look at it. Thanks for being a genius.

  7. I know what you mean Kelly! but really I only sew straight lines, and i'm pretty sure every project i've ever sewn was posted on this like three :)

    Stacie- I'm just jeal ;)

    Lisa- I may get around to a tutorial, but chances are i'll forget.

  8. You should do a tutorial! Yours turned out really good, plus you attached binding? Wow. That's out of my league!
