

to sleep or to shower?

{4 am monday morning}
{3 am tuesday morning}

There is no bigger sucker than a new mommy.
[3 hour middle of the night lactation benders, crotch rehab, etc]
I choose to survive it by watching "16 and pregnant" before I go to bed.
works wonders for ones perspective.

to sleep or to shower? 
or neither.
...anything, as long as this kid is happy ;)

team boo 's you


before and after

It is indescribable the feelings I have when a new baby of mine arrives.

basically, how can I pass so much time sitting on a couch looking at this beautiful creation??
but i assure you i CAN 
{and have been}

hours before...

and after
...just one more reason my life will never be the same!

I am in la la LOVE!!!!
{with a little MacGruber }

team boo 's you


we added a boo!

meet our sweet new team member...

{born 2 . 13 . 2010}

team boo 's you!


lets hear it for the boy.

Is it just me, or is everyone having girls??
It seems there are so many sweet little dresses and dollies online meant to inspire
but what about the boys!
 Over at this cute little site they are putting all things little boy at the top of their to do list...

look at these little pants!!
I must make some.
join me :)

or these little shirts .
So nerdy that they're cute.

team boo 's you


meet Barney...

he's so full of love....
 {from the delightful mind of Andrew Bannecker }

team boo 's you


This, my friends, is why little boys rock....

Lately I have been a little grouchy.
my days becoming progressively non structured and non-inventive
with sporadic spurts of cleaning or walking the aisles of Target or something
It's my fault because somewhere in the last few weeks I began to assume that by now,
this baby would be on the flip-side of my lady bidness.
Luckily I have to rays of sunshine that remind me hourly how lucky I am to have my "everyday"
Yesterday morning Sheamus crawled into bed with me after a "bad dream"
(about a monster who wanted to tell him jokes??)
and professed his love to his stuffy nosed crab of a mother
and it turned out to be just what I needed:
Me checking the time in the early hours....
"You have a clock on your phone!?! Your're so funny momma...(whispers) and BEAUTIFUL.
I'm keeping this momma.
And I'm not gonna say i hate blue houses anymore...
(something he says when he wishes he lived at his cousins yellow house instead of our blue one)
cause you're the only one I want to hug! I love you mommy, you're so comfy.
When are we allowed to kiss your lips again??"
(since I have a major cold)
Basically this means that I can't keep griping about the stretch mark that is slowly spreading further up my belly.
I mean, I CAN...
But maybe i should just get over myself ;)
There are very few things in life that make my heart sing more than hearing a little munchkin voice call me "momma"
life is good.
team boo 's you


in your face naysayer (Adam)

Adam always makes fun of me when I start a project
because I am, in his words, "odd jobs McGee"
but i am happy to say....I did it!
I finished my first quilt.

Since my most favorite childhood friend finally decided to have a baby, I thought the least i could do was make her a personal gift.  I never would have had the guts though without the very thorough tutorial by the crafting wonder....Kelly McCaleb (over at my happy little life ). She never fails to inspire and is overflowing with good old fashioned maternal talent. Don't be can do it too! I assure you my sewing abilities are very sewing-in-a-straight-line basic.

Here are the pics of the what i started with and the adorable little munch who now occupies it :) in all its imperfect glory....

Thanks Kelly!

team boo 's you