

Love me still.

Since i have been SO terrible about posting lately
I thought the least i could do was post a peecture.
These are my brothers and sisters...
Aren't we cute?? (also a little vampire-y)
(if you look closely you will notice my tummy is catching up with my chest...but just barely ;)
I have so many Chirstmas projects I have been working on
Parties (yes more parties while pregnant...i can't stay away.  One down one to go)
...homemade wreaths, woodsy chandeliers, yarn ornaments, fireplaces, mangers, snowy stick trees and more!
stay tuned...
I will type more when my hands heal after working with pine cones
(p.s. they are frigging sharp)
and, of course, HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAD!!!!
team boo 's you


  1. awwww! What a beautiful family!

  2. How did Spencer get so old?!

    I just remember his craziness when he was little... though I am sure he is still crazy!

  3. can't wait to see the crafty radness you come up with this season! p.s. you guys are WAY TOO CUTE...
