

G is for grandparents.... whom this post is dedicated.

its just a bunch of family yaddie yaddie yadda
But, its what gives the grandma's and grandpa's battery power.

It was SOOO nice to visit the cabin!
In true Sheamus fashion, when daddy told Sheamus to go pee right after we arrived...
he stepped one foot out the door and peed on the deck.
And it was already cold enough that
it was still slightly frozen when we woke up in the morning ;)

{G is also for groundhogs day, cause i'm pretty sure i've told this nerdy story before}

Thanks Jeanine and Spencer for creating such an awesome place for the family to get away :)
we miss you!!


  1. what a gorgeous place...perfect for wearing mocassins and tromping through that crazy misty field. the kids looks INSANELY HAPPY there. love it!

  2. You have such a beautiful family! Haha, the Sheamus story. Oh goodness. Boys will be boys!

  3. all you need is a buffalo in the "misty field" still waiting for the invite seesta! ;)

  4. Love these photos!!! Looks like such a fun time!! I hope all is well and you have a wonderful week. xo
