


This summer Elyott was in a production of Cinderella in which she played a mouse (with a small song solo :) All was very exciting and great until the day of the show when it came time for the heavy stage makeup. Rather, all was exciting and great until I had to put eyebrows on her. She hated it. So much. 

I distinctly remember in junior high when my sisters would put makeup on me and they tried to convince me that blush and lipstick looked more natural, but instead I insisted that the pale monochromatic face was best (why!) I looked like a powdered donut. Similarly Elyott did not like the look of eyebrows, and was totally deflated and grouchy when I sent her to curtain call with them freshly filled, patronized at my reassurance of her adorableness (and likeness to Adam, geesh).

To her shock, all her friends in the production raved about how beautiful and grown up she looked. Then all of the sudden she loved them and wanted brown eyebrows everyday (shocker.) I realize as a general rule it's probably safest to NOT believe your mother when it comes to makeup tips, but Im still in my 20's girl. Hanging by a thread, but at least give me that! Too bad though sucka. Try me again in 5 years. Look how happy she is!!!
"my eyebrows stole the show, hooray!"

team Boo 's you


  1. She's beautiful (with or without the makeup!) I can't believe how big she's gotten. Crazy to see blogger kids getting all big. That's what happens when we are in the game for 5+ years! (whoa.. how did that happen?)

  2. I still have completely blonde eyebrows and it took a LONG time to get used to how I looked with them powdered/penciled in. E looks beautiful!

  3. Wow she looks so beautiful and happy! I can't wait to see my little ones up there performing one day :) Glad she had fun.

  4. Uh, child model on your hands. Can I say that in the top photos she looks like a young Jamie Lynn Spears? Is that offensive? At any rate, what a darling girl you have. I love these pictures!
