

break out.

This is a post where I pinky promise not to talk about school (and pinky promises are pretty legit around these parts). 

Wanna know what is really dumb about birds? They have one of the most awesome and rare abilities of all living animals, so i swear they are just being cocky when they swoop in front of moving cars and do sneaky dangerous things rubbing it in our faces like little jerks. But sometimes this invincible attitude breaks their cute little necks. Like the three birds who in an hour span that tragically ran into the glass windows near the pool of the Mexican hotel we stayed in last week. They have all this open space to fly over the ocean and land on quaint rooftops and they choose to fly straight into reflective glass. Immediate deadness. What idiots. Poor cute little idiots.

You wanna know who else is poor and cute and NOT an idiot (but his parents are)? My Sonny bear. Sweet baby fell backward off a high bed and got a concussion on the tile floor in Mexico. Being in a poor country is a scary place to be injured, especially when the injured one is your baby. After an hour of persistent head trauma induced vomiting (i scary) we got the H out of there and back to the US. We had a long 4 hours of a vomiting and lethargic Sonny. Finally we checked him into the our local children's hospital (for the second time this year!) where a CT scan and an overnight stay deemed his little nugget safe to go on thinking about his hippopotamus and laughing at sound effects and doing all sorts of classic Sonny things. I feel sad for the people of Puerto Penasco (and many other places in the world) that only have old school x-ray machines (if that) to check their sweet babies "concussed" heads. What a helpless feeling it would be to not know how to help your hurt baby :( 

I am thankful that Sonny is okay, I really feel like we dodged a bullet. Besides he needs to keep all his brains in tip top shape for his upcoming therapies. You see Sonny has a few "developmental delays". Which is the official and much scarier way of saying he can't talk or walk and doesn't do much in the way of communicating besides a scream here or there (and laughing of course). He is 20 months. When I was younger I babysat a 3 year old kid that just force grunted/screamed at everything, and the thought of that Sonny acting anything like that kid gives me mini PTSD. The docs are almost certain it's not autism, and that some early intervention therapies should boost his abilities. I'll keep you posted (whether you like it or not ;) on his progress as we get further into his treatment.

Anyway i barely got any pictures while we were in Mexico :( like 5.  So i guess this picture of my cute Elyott above (whom i saw for about three minutes while we were there) none of Sheamus (who counted down the days sixteen times a day until we got to go home from our "field trip". Total home-body.) and this one below of my sweet Sonny Delight playing with his barf bag in the hospital will have to do. 

The next two weeks I will be in church Halloween party mode. The annual event where i wear the same cutoff jean shorts with a box cutter in my back pocket for two weeks straight. Did i mention i look gorgeous? cause i mega don't. but it goes with the scary theme, right?

team Boo 's you


  1. europe and now mexico? girl. i'm not buying the poor college thing. not one bit.

    i kid. i kid.

    dude. glad to hear your cute sonny is okay. it makes you appreciate american hospitals doesn't it?!

  2. I know Kate! I much sound like such a faker ;) we just piggyback on our parents trips. We are lucky (and poor-ish)

  3. what the crap?! poor sonny, i hate those little arm iv things, so glad he is okay.

  4. glad your sweet Sonny is okay and glad you are back in the US...that would be totally scary! I got a flu shot today and now I feel like a wuss for complaining that my arm is sore. Forgive me okay? Sonny is a trooper!

  5. ahh US healthcare can't beat it! so glad Sonny is okay.

  6. scary! glad the little champ is alright!

    good luck with Halloween festivities. i'm sure you really actually totally do look gorgeous.

  7. Scary call with your cute baby! I'm so glad he's okay! And by the way, early interventions make a huge difference with developmental delays. My littlest is a success story. We can't get him to stop walking or shut up now.

  8. i'll be thinking of you. sonny is the bomb.

  9. babies in hospitals:(
    i concur with abby. sonny is the bomb.

    i can't wait for your unveiling of the halloween extravaganza.

  10. I'm glad Sonny is ok. I read this a couple of days ago, but realized I didn't say, "I'm glad Sonny is ok," and it made me feel uncomfortable. I think it's because your kids are my favorite kids I don't know, and see him in the hospital bed was too much.

    Also, this state has the most amazing Early Intervention ever. I loved everyone I worked with.

  11. I am glad sonny is okay!!! Love your blog, lady!

  12. The name of this blog is all kinds of awesome. I might make myself a t-shirt.
