

WWUJD? (what would Uncle Jessie Do?)


Right now i'm in one of those ruts where i'll do just about anything besides finish my chemistry lab (due today). So i've cleaned the kitchen, played all my words with friends moves, gone through the DVR to record all the Mickey Mouse Clubhouses for Sonny. Eaten three more homemade bacon and cheese biscuits than i should have, read a few blogs and now here i am...blogging about it. 

Yesterday i implemented a few of my new strategic blog moves and had my kids help me with some other homework (above). That homework turned out pretty cute if you ask me. It was actually really fun and i only used my serious photo directing voice like twice. 

Then to be fair i helped elyott with her homework (instead of just plopping her at a table and threatening her with homeschool, complete with homemade prairie dresses) I was on hand for questions and support, while i simultaneously and uncharacteristically made fresh biscuits (same as above) wearing my homemade prairie dress (of course). 

Homework got finished, the bonds of love were strengthened...It was like the end of a Full house episode about family teamwork (complete with the canned "awwwwws" that ends in a freeze-framed three way high five) 

Now if i could just find a way to make my chemistry homework not the soul sucking lamest. If only i had two random uncles that lived with me to help me solve my problems...

team Boo 's you


  1. rad pictures.

    you're right. everyone needs an a john stamos like uncle living with them. it just makes sense.

  2. Homemade prarie dresses. That is an amazing idea/threat. Ima steal that one.

    You already know that your kids are very very cute, but I just thought I'd assure you from an outsiders stand point. Super freaking cute.

  3. sonny is so big! what the what!? the perfect photos make me want to cry tears of joy!
