

old blighty

Since we have mortgages and children, the trip did actually have to come to an end. And what a better place to end it than London! A quick chunnel ride from France and i found myself in my new favorite place on earth (besides Disneyland and this one taco stand in Mazatlan) The place where adorable taxis, red telephone booths, crooked teeth and Jude Law run free. 

This first picture is funny to me because i was taking a self portrait in Hyde Park and this dude walks by and says in broken English "do you want me to take your picture so you can have a better face?" Oh that's okay sir, believe it or not, this is the face i am stuck with.
Remember my blog friend and "non drag queenRenee? Well a couple months ago she asked her friends to vote for her brother's band (I Am We) who were finalists in a Hard Rock contest. Like a good wannabe BBFF i did. Story over, good luck Renee's brother, right? Wrong because guess who's real face i recognized from his internet face in front of Westminster Abbey? Re-nee's brother!! (said in unison) I asked him if he had a sister Renee (to be sure he and his cute wife were clear that i was her weirdo groupie not his) Turns out his band won a trip to London to play in Hyde park. I blubbered something crazy about "watching his sister online" and something sarcastic (shocker) about their band being there because of my vote (har har) know, to really drive the awkwardness home. Then I muscled my way in the middle of them for a picture with fanny pack in hand.

Did i mention i am really cool on the spot? Cause i was lying.
The Tower of London was my favorite place we went in the city. I wish i could go back since i only saw about half of it. As an American, it's always trippy when something was built before the 1986 let alone the 1200's. There is so much to see there and so many (one...the Tudors.) loosely historical showtime series to rent afterward and pretend like you know everything about English history.* Plus now that i am so well traveled, i am probably a lot smarter than you, sooooooooo.
Big Ben-ch* 

Stay tuned for England part 2 as we tour the english countryside (where fake looking landscapes and wrong side of the road driving through roundabouts claim 2600 tourists lives each year*)

*Also my mom is from England so (via my blood) i am basically an expert. Unless having never read the Harry Potter series trumps blood. In which case i know nothing.

*cool joke credit: brother-in-law jason

*this is a guess based purely on my fear for my life whilst driving through it in our rental car.

team Boo 's you


  1. I'm considering selling my left kidney to move to London for a stint. It really is my favorite city.

    As always you have the best commentary for your photos. You would rock at being a travel gal on the travel channel.

  2. hahah i love your blog. just absolutely love reading your writing style. you are my slightly older than me blog hero. and ill stop before my comment gets more creeper.

  3. I have so enjoyed your Europe posts. I am really glad you blog because you are funny and you brighten up my nanny-for-triplets-kind-of-lonely-life in Palm Springs. That sounded kind of sad.
