

Stopping to smell the...spit up?

I'd like to say all this time I've been ignoring you is from all the really cool synchronized family dances we've been practicing that i would unveil in a classic footloose style video montage complete with overalls and school bleachers...but I never cease to disappoint my friends, and have merely been babysitting every kid within a five mile radius for the last two weeks ("if you've made Mac n cheese for the last 17 meals...they will come"). No good stories besides my recent stretch pants to jeans ratio. And since I hate forcing a story I will spare you my mysterious theories as to why, if i've only been feeding babies and making PB&Js, did I wake up this morning with sore muscles?? 

Soon my friends. Soon.


  1. Even with no story you still make me chuckle. Mostly it's visualizing the footloose-esque montage...epic!

  2. man oh man your kiddos are big. i think i'm stuck in this blog's past when they were teeny tiny.

  3. synchronized dance is what made me think of this....i know you'll enjoy and i think you have the password,
    if you remember what time it is with m.c. hammer.

  4. Hee hee, that's funny. I'm a bit sore today too, all I did yesterday was drive around and stupid laundry. what the hay

  5. It's from lifting Sonny! I always feel sore when I do nada (which is usually daily). PS, love your blog!

  6. As I sit here I too am giving off the stentch of spit up...stinkin kids! You need to do another Boo Challenge photog thing...I need a project.
