

dirty little secret

You know all those posts going around where people post the quirky contents of their purse...They'll have a pack of life savers, some cherry lip balm, a cell phone and something super random but still cute like a plastic farm animal, all displayed neatly on a vintage piece of fabric? Well last night i realized my (very small) purse was looking more like a rodent's nest than a place i put my keys and wallet and an occasional spare diaper. This is what mine looked like last night freshly dumped....

I'm like a trash Macgyver! Only...i don't know how to make anything useful out of paper except those four square origami things (that look like beaks) that entertain kids during church. And i don't have my own hit television series, or an awesome fishing vest...or a mullet. Also i don't know how to diffuse bombs. Maybe i'm nothing like Macgyver, just a trash toting slob (opposite of Macgyver?)

What does your purse say about you? Mine says i could probably take back every item i've purchased within the last six months with ease...and I live like a hobo.

team Boo 's you


  1. Finally a purse post that doesn't make me feel bad !! I am just like you, although I have been trying really hard to work on it ;) I wonder, though, what do all the neat women do with their receipts ?!

  2. That looks like my purse! I like the Mcdonalds spoon. The other day I found the lid to a Mcdonald's ice cream sundae in my purse.
    One of my fears is that I will be in an accident and my family won't know. Because once the paramedics take a look inside my mess of a purse nobody will want to reach in to grab my ID! How sad! Maybe I should dump my purse too!

  3. Oh this is so my bag. I wish it was cute and coordinated, but I've gotta face it - never going to happen.

  4. awesome.

    i emptied mine out the other day and found a gazillion receipts, a couple of m&ms stuck to a paper clip, and chapstick smeared all over the bottom of my purse.

    hobos unite.

  5. thhhaaaaank you!! i always feel like i have to make my purse insides look cute after seeing those posts. this puts me at ease. now picture this plus about a hundred gum wrappers and you've got my purse.

  6. Maybe you are MacGruber instead of MacGyver! Hahahaha! (Only funny if you are familiar with the SNL skit). My purse is always just as bad-okay actually worse because instead of a little purse, it is a giant one.

  7. finally a purse post i can relate to!

  8. This is so funny. I was planning on doing the exact same post of my messy purse because I was tired of feeling bad after seeing the beautifully organized contents of other bloggers purses. I thought maybe I could make others feel better about themselves in the process :)

  9. Oh purses. Bear with me for a quick story?
    So my purse is huge. I bought it because the brand name is also my middle name (which is really uncommon) The bags are only sold in the UK, so I bought it online. What I didn't realize was that what I was getting was really more like a gym bag than a purse. But I use it anyway. I can fit more old useless wal*mart receipts and candy wrappers in there anyway. On the bonus side, I can fit multiple books in it as well. And I like books.

    Aren't you glad you asked?

  10. ha! i always think the same thing with those posts! i really wonder how many crumbs would come out of my purse if i turned it upside down. gross, i should really clean it now that i am thinking about it...

  11. thank you for being honest about your purse's contents! i feel like some ladies *might* spruce theirs up to look more cutesie and clean. my purse is very similar...who seriously has time to organize their receipts all nicely when they're in a hurry at the store??

  12. hahaha this is awesome. you are awesome.
    this is almost my purse exactly except swap out the spoon for a pair of broken sunglasses with one lens.

  13. I just found your blog. Loving it!

    I once(no joke) found a corn dog in my purse. It had been there for a week or more. Bad thing is when I found it I was in the walmart check out line. I quickly shoved it back into my purse and forgot all about it for another week until found it again. So I forgot about a corn dog in my purse twice. Also the contents of my purse looks like yours all the time.
