

In full bloom.

Today this boy and I walked to preschool (okay so it's only like one block away) We passed the apple orchard at the end of our street, ooed and ahhed at the new blossoms, laughed when we tried to climb them ("fat mom in a little treeee")...and then an animated bluebird landed on my shoulder. 

(that last part was a lie) 

When Sheamus was born Adam and I separately got the impression that he would always look after his momma (that's me). Not in an annoying popped collar mommas boy way, but rather a quiet protector. I think this suits him, and actually i think he will bring a confident assurance to many others besides me. It occurred to me last night that he is starting to grow out of wearing his costumes. Not completely. but those days are becoming few and far between. Someone please tell me there are days ahead as sweet as the ones I have now with this 5 year old munch. Is it possible for him to grow up and not turn all teen angsty and cynical? I can take the pimples and dirty bathrooms, but that classic Sheamus sweetness is a trait I will grieve if its ever lost completely. No pressure Sheamus ;) Since i'm his mom, ill probably always see it anyway. As for now...i think we will play dress up, cause he is still five.

team Boo 's you


  1. remember that one time when you were wishing you lived in portland, because it was so hot?

    guess what?

    this is your moment to shine lady.

    enjoy your freaking blossoms.

    it's butt cold and rainy here.

  2. *bluebird craps on shoulder!
    (in my life/daydreams anyway;)

    i love this because it's exactly how I feel about my 3 yr old. I don't have one grown YET but I do have nephews that are in high school and still sweet protector-types. There's hope! (:

  3. awwww. my oh my what a wonderful day. and cute blonde protector.

  4. I think that kid you've got there is always going to be pretty sweet.

    I mean, I just listened to him sing that Bieber song. You can't make up that kind of emotion.

  5. This is such a fun age!!! I tell Jason (my hubs) that Bentley is at the sweetest age ever. It is awesome, I never want him to grow up. Cute pics by the way and Sheamus is a doll.

  6. i'm not an expert.
    but from what i've observed.
    sweet/sensitve boys only get sweeter.
    especially to their momma's.

  7. such a sweet little boy! i hope I get me one of those someday! :)

  8. What beautiful pictures! Makes me ready for Spring for sure.

    New to your blog, it's wonderful!

    Looking forward to seeing more.

    Have a great weekend!



  9. i just found your blog and it is adorable! i loved the zipee-dee-doo-da line.
