Aren't you dying to know what has inspired me lately!? (*nod head and smile*). Quirkiness always catches my attention...
(sometimes the best ideas are the most obvious)
if i were a vehicle at this exact moment...I would be this guy. (what a selfless truck i am)
I'd love this on my wall
(music gives you wiiings!!)
my rock band character wears an off the shoulder beauty with cat eyes just like this...i've been looking for the real deal ever since (fun fact: i kinda hate cats?)
best business card.
As trite as this pop culture reference may be, this onesie is pretty cute.
also a quote (for good measure...but mostly so people know that i DO read instead of just look at pretty pictures):
thoughts become words. words become actions. actions become habits. habits become character, and character is what we really are.
— Glimpses (into the life and heart of Marjorie Pay Hinckley)
Hope your long weekend was better than my super lame one :)
team Boo ♥'s you
cat=blah==why we are friends.