


Sheamus got a "famous fudge" making kit for christmas and was beyond thrilled because, incase you have been reading his name wrong all along, "famous" rhymes with his name ;) (This is a subject that is always in the foreground of his thoughts..."mom does 'cheese' rhyme with 'shmeeze'?...does 'iron man' rhyme with 'pi-ron pan'?...does 'blanket' rhyme with 'sp-lanket'?") 

He is sometimes anxious and fairly particular about his belongings (for example: he saves all the garbage packaging and "constructions" to all his new toys, so at any moment they might be displayed as originally purchased) So when he decided to do a "seller" stand of his famous sheamus fudge, i was curious as to how it would play out. 

Maybe it was the frigid air, but he was a bit stressed at all the children staying gathered around his booth putting their greedy little fingers on his product, so he'd sometimes forget to say thank you when someone paid him $5 for a watered down cup of cocoa (in his defense the concept of money is as clear as speaking chinese is to me)...and he gave absolutely NO freebies (not even a family discount to Elyott). So like a savvy/anal retentive little business man, he came out about 15 dollars ahead! 

Even though he is the cutest salesman I know, we may have to teach him a little customer service 101 ;)

team Boo 's you


  1. confession. i've been reading it all wrong. i've been reading it like "shamus." no idea why either.

    what a cool kid.

  2. don't think this is weird, but sheamus was in my dream the other night... i was introducing him to someone (and i totally said his name right, by the way.)

  3. How cute! (and I'm also congratulating myself for reading Sheamus's name correctly.)

    Happy Sunday!

  4. Fudge and hot that's something I'd pay a $1 for! Way better than lemonade!

  5. I for one think fudge is delicious and I wouldn't have minded being ripped off by that cute blonde boy. and for two Robin, that's kind of weird.

  6. look at marlee's little chuckie face! haha! cute...too bad she ate half of the inventory, he probably would have made more $ ;}

  7. I'm with Sheamus.

    I'd be like, "Punks, get your mitts of my fudge!"
