

suck-tober fest

{via veer}

one of my favorite Halloween images
and coincidentally also how i feel today ;)
I hate structure and deadlines.
why does responsibility turn me into such a jerk?

team Boo 's you


  1. i feel the same way. hope you feel better soon :)

  2. I also fell like this is a proper description of me today. Ha. And I like her dress. :)

    It's 2 p.m., it's my daughter's birthday (poor middle child) i'm at work (messing around on blogs instead of actually working), I still haven't showered after teaching my zumba class this morning, and oh, don't worry, i haven't done ANYthing for her birthday yet. Blah. At least I know i'm not alone in my self-inflicted craziness.

    I do hope you have an amazing day.

  3. HI there! I am your newest follower. I found you on Top Baby Blogs. I love finding new blog and your is lovely:) You can find me at

    LOVE your blog. It's adorable

    Take a peek at my giveaways if you stop by. Everything is gorgeous, handmade baby stuff. I'm guessing you would like them:)

  4. I hate that feeling! And you're welcome inside my backpack anytime...although they sure make themselves up fancy over here so you may want to do something about that face ;)

  5. hahaha it happens to the best of us!
