

phoenix "sonny"

This picture is especially for Adam (baby daddy) who is not only a huge basketball fan, but a Phoenix Suns fan ta-boot. Although since we didn't have a Steve Nash wig (sick), we used an afro (cause that's a normal thing to have lying around?? actually we have three :) as a tribute to old school basketball with the short shorts and the knee high socks. As you can see from this picture sonny got completely into character...

(see other defenseless baby shots like this here here here here here here and here.)

*also: don't forget that tomorrow is the last day to comment for a chance to win my super fabulous (not really) team boo pillow.

team boo 's you
(and a kid in uniform ;)


  1. baaaaaaaaaha look at his face. these are soooooo great.

  2. i really think this is a case of the apprentice outshining the master. or whatever. you know what i mean. yours are better than the ones that inspired you in the first place!

  3. these pictures are amazing. seriously. i look forward to your posts. sonny is so cute and apparently perfect at modeling. chest bumps abound to you both.

  4. This is absolutely amaze-balls. Love it.

    Have you checked out the blog "Mila's Daydreams"? She does similar shots, but not quite of the Afro-high-knee-socks-bball-dunking caliber. Awesome.

  5. We don't have any afro wigs at our house... but we do have 3 or possibly 4 KISS wigs.

    I would marry Steve Nash (well not, like, literally) and we love the Suns at our house too. I have this dream where someday my family goes to a Suns vs. Spurs game, and it turns out to be the greatest night of our lives. okay, so kind of a lame dream, but... Hey! You have a cute kid!

    ps - I mentioned your blog (again) in my latest post as well. so, there's that.

  6. now, if you can create some sheer geniosity out of a couple toy bricks and a wig, you can certainly pull together a week of outfits. do it for me at least, i need the inspiration.

    p.s. sonny is just like MJ with that tongue out.

  7. POL!! (pee out loud) (it's a hybrid description of what this picture did to me.)
    word on the amazeballs.
    now you know why i've been gravitating towards the more offensive and graphic in nature adjectives like amazetits, amazevag, and my dad's fav- amazedic. (that's actually a combo of amazing and ridiculous).


  8. that sonny of your is a slam dunk.
    i find lots of enjoyment in these pictys.
