

all you need is love.

Most of us, if not all, can relate to the love hate relationship with the blogging world. The unique people (love) the fakeness (hate) the talent and inspiration (love) then feeling like a lame-o (hate) the great stories (love) the rude comments (hate) the hours of entertainment (love) how much time I can waste on the computer (hate) making connections (love) feeling plain or inadequate (hate) the creativity (LOVE) the "competition" (hate) the opportunities to learn (love).

The slipperiest slope of all for me though is the "wanting." Wanting the stuff I don't need, wanting to be somewhere I'm not. Wanting to be a little more stylish, beautiful, wittier, more interesting, talented or whatever. What I really want is to be happy to LOVE and grow. I truly do find so much inspiration daily of ways to find and create the joy in my life through the people in the blog world.  It is a tough balance to not get carried away with "missing out" on the things I wish I were or had. 

Today Megan took the words right out of my mouth. It is no secret I have a huge crush on her beautiful Anne of Green Gables meets Pippy Long Stocking soul (thanks robin for helping me find that marriage). Sorry Megan, but i have to are just so fantastic. And i mean that in the most encouraging way.  So uninhibited and playful and not afraid to show vulnerability. Her admirable initiative and humble approach to life puts her at the tippy top of the blogs that inspire me. Not to mention she is a clever little amateur filmmaker. Just look at this video she made in an attempt to defy her feelings of wanting....and totally nailing it!

In the end, i mostly just love to blog. even when i hate it, i love it. And I want to help you appreciate and love the simple things in life just like megan does for me...for that is what this blog is supposed to be all about: LOVE! Albeit unconventional or awkward at times (like, not the deep mushy gooshy kind). Its definitely sprinkled with lots of teasing and sarcasm (okay, so i get a little carried away with that, but how can i not? Life is funny.) Its about loving my family, remembering to love myself, spreading the love of motherhood, and learning to love moments more than things.

team boo 's you


  1. oh man. your thoughts are mine as well. i love this {and her post to!}

    p.s. i love the sarcasm and the humor. heaven knows we all need it amongst the butterflies. polka dots. mushy "life is wonderful ALL the time" blogs!

    *for the record, yours is one one of my faves.

  2. I love this bliggidy blog of yours. I'm so happy that you are back.

  3. I couldn't agree more! :)

  4. thanks for sharing! you took the words right outta my mouth regarding this topic. at the end of the day, blogging should be fun, taken not too seriously, and shouldn't make ones life! glad I found your blog (: have a great day! xo

  5. delight.
    the girl who bought the blue typewriter.

  6. You are not alone sista.

    What is it about this week? Yesterday I was having eerily similar feelings (about which I posted, of course) and then my friend Ruth ( ) posted today about this as well.

    And for what it's worth, I love you blog in all its humanity and sarcasm.

  7. Well said and most of all beautifully put!! You are such a beautiful soul and I am so delighted that I was able to come across your world one day through the many discoveries in blog-land!

    Have an amazing weekend with your family!


  8. For the record... I think you're blog ROCKS! You are inspiring in a ton of ways, but mainly... and please take this the right way, I love that you're so openly 'imperfect'. Keep on keeping on keeping it real! I love it, and feel like we are friends because of that!

  9. Imperfection is my specialty ;) Thanks everyone for pickin' up what I'm puttin' down.

  10. i see too much jealousy these days in the blog world (Not you...!) i'm just saying, i'll read comments and think, "hmmm, why say that about her blog?"

    it just reminds me of real life. women tend to be just too competitive. i say, if you like parts of someone's life... then how about "happy aspire" instead of "grouchy desire"

    great post. xx

  11. I agree, Megan is awesome! Love her!
