

today is not a dress is your life.

(i am trying to be better about inserting myself into my life exploitation/blog...I'm pretty uncomfortable posting pictures of myself. It makes me feel vain. or like you'd imagine i was all "ooh this is an awesome picture of me" and you'd be all "meh" But seriously there aren't many days when i am not a total dirty slob, so its slim pickin's. This one is in disneyland on the POTC ride. The first two sheamus smiled and i looked like a tranny. The third I looked fine but sheamus's "cheese" face was lacking enthusiasm. But guess what? I am the teamBoo captain so MY normal picture wins. booyah) 

moving on to less lame tangents....

Today sheamus talked to the garbage can. Actually he does this on occasion. "hang on" he said "I'll get your other tooth soon.....My food (garbage) is your candy, huh"

Today Elyott had the "BEST day EVER!" She had the same snack at school as her friend Hope. I love this.

Today Sonny pooped on my lap.

Today Adams crustache was off the hook. He went to the gym with it unshaved, and a cutoff t-shirt with his own face printed on the front. Hows that for confidence!?

Today i realized I could "fit" into an pre-pregnancy pair of pants. Translation: it fit over my butt without giving me a giant camel toe. (...buuuuut I still have to tie the top button with a hair thing).
Almost. almost.

What happended in your "today"?

team boo 's you


  1. any chance elyott mentioned that she had to plug her ears all the way to school this morning. there was a lot of noise from the back row of the car. she got out and said, "i think i'm going to walk by myself today."

  2. Carolyn,
    You are my hero. I wish I was as talented as you. What kind of camera do you have? You pictures are always so great! I sure miss you.
    Love you,

  3. wha?! You always look beautiful! All you Yegges are gorgeous. Always been jealous.

    oh my, I love hearing about the things that happen to you from day to day. Especially about Adam. And his t-shirt.

  4. I have never seen a bad picture of you. You always look like a movie star.

    Um, why does Adam have t-shirt with his own picture on it? Don't tell Jason about it or he will start to get ideas...

  5. hi team boo,
    i came across your blog through the grapevine, and i love it!
    i had my daughter watch the magic snap video with me and we attempted the same type of thing:)
    she had so much fun.
    just thought i'd say hi.
    p.s. i love your kids' names too,
    and your posed pics of your baby are awesome!!!

  6. thanks for the advice, i'd never thought about anti anxiety before.
    and no worries, you did not sound like a self righteous douche :)

  7. your life exploitation is one of my favorites.

  8. I hate it when I look like a tranny in photos. I feel like I'm especially susceptible because I am six feet tall. That's right. Six feet.
