


For mother's day my kids went with Adam to pick out some sweet little things of their choice.
One trip to Walmart later, and my jewelry collection was $23 dollars improved.
A pearl "wedding ring" that my kids were so relieved to see on my usual bare hand
( original fell in the ocean only one month after purchase. wah wahhhh)
Some colorful earring studs...Elyott liked the star ones with diamonds inside, sure to make the scuzziest of mothers feel her fanciest
And finally a silver heart locket set engraved with "mom" (think sailor tattoo)
As we stepped out for church, i donned a little of everything, sure to impress, and asked Elyott and Sheamus in the hoitee toiteest voice i could do...

"How do I looook?!"

Elyott looked over at me straight faced, and very patronized, and said:

"Mom. you don't have to say it like that."

...and just like that I graduated from a mom to a MOOOOM.

team boo 's you


  1. That girl knows how to pose!

  2. I think I am in for some major Mooooooooommmmm attitude from my future children. That was pretty much the only way I addressed by mother. But she was a little over top. ;)

  3. hahahaha that is too adroable. i am not really looking forward to the day i graduate...
    love your blog!

  4. Adorable. Your family is the cutest!

  5. total crack up! your kids are awesome.

  6. I want to see some pics of you in all of your new jewelry glory!!!

    Glad you had such an awesome Mother's Day. :-)
