

a very dikefest christmas...

Making Christmas eve wishes...
Sheamus told me "mom, all i want for christmas, is you"
what a sweet kid.
...or maybe he just knows how to manipulate the crap out of me.
This christmas I wish for at least one kid that doesn't regularly throw up at the dinner table. Christmas eve was Sheamus's turn...
nestled children....
Surprise!...Santa installed a swing in our front room...
bad idea Santa.
but at least he also brought this spazzy kid a helmet...
Hope your Christmas was a blast :)
team boo 's you


  1. are you kidding me with the throwing up part? the rest is very cute though.

  2. You are the coolest parents in the world.

    A swing in the living room? YES PLEASE.

  3. no way, a swing in the living room. you need to dedicate a post on how you did that. i want one!

  4. That swing is awesome.
    The throwing up bit, not so much.

  5. the swing??????????????? Carolyn I don't think I'll ever understand you! ;) But you are one awesome Mom, that's for sure!
    (the throw-up did not do good things for me!)

  6. The idea of Seamus yelling "help mom! heeeeellllppp!" while stuck in the swing and you pausing to snap photos makes me laugh really, really hard. Glad you had a nice Christmas!

  7. I wish I had a swing in my living room when I was younger!!! Hope you had a lovely Christmas and New Year's... sending you much love!!! xo

  8. Rad swing! I hope your kids appreciate how cool you are.

    By the way, you are a hot pregnant lady.
