

my wig bangs are for balance.

so here i am
 in all of my soft focus glory.
(my husband's finger always gravitates over the flash...
editing in exposure helps me be more dreamy....and visible)
I'm almost 4 months along, going on 7.
some things you can't tell from this picture are:
how my boobs are actually still quite bigger than my belly
my kids are running around like rabies infested dogs
my house is a total disaster
I am uncharacteristically ready for a date night a half hour early 
...trying to catch a moments peace in our "worthless room" 
{every house has one}
Nothing was gonna get in the way of this pregnant girl's night of tacos and creme brulee.
And now friends, I am signing off for a bit. 
Taking a little computer break to catch up on the things I've been missing out on in real life.
like talking to friends in-person, riding bikes with my loves....and having a fridge that doesn't smell like death.
Go enjoy your families!!
{sing some songs together...}


  1. God help me, I love your bangs. I have an odd fixation with the fringe. Not yours, but in general. I should stop talking now.

  2. You're so pretty (as in lovely, not very) pregnant!

  3. you look absolutely beautiful, and your right - your boobs got HUGE! lol

  4. You look amazing! Call me when you can press indentations into your ankles that stay for 1 hr +. Then we'll talk.

  5. oy pass some of that boobage this way, please. could be fun to have SOME (just a little- really i'm not greedy) for a couple months.

    btw- you are stunning. ha the face of an angel, but damnn girl... nice legs. hope date night went amazingly for you!

  6. you look adorable.. hope you had a fun date!

  7. So remember all those comments about how awful you look pregnant? I'm starting to think you are a liar Carolyn Dike.

  8. Ok... so i'm 6 months pregnant and can't say that i EVER looked that good at any stage, including before. So kudos you you on that. And don't worry about 3 going on 7... after my first baby, all subsequent pregnancies make me look about 6 months pregnant about 3 hours after i get my first positive pregnant pee stick.

    love and love

  9. stunning! you. are. stunning.

    i am crossing my fingers toes and eyes that i can look this "dreamy" when i am pregnant!!!


  10. You're adorable. And I'm jealous you can eat tacos when you're pregnant.

  11. tacos and creme brulee certainly sound like a pregnant're a total genius. and you look gorgeous so you better stop describing yourself by saying things like "out-of-breath-resentful-chubby-girl-in-maternity-pants."

    got it?

