

project boo: by crystal

so this is what it looks like when you play with your kids!
(i am starting to forget..;)
this is what its like to go outside
to laugh and play be vertical.

in the last couple months, my kids were lucky to see our front porch.
Crystal your parenting involvement is commendable.
...would you by chance want to adopt a couple cute toe-heads for a month or so??
my poor children :(
or your lucky ever you want to slice it.

thanks Crystal !


  1. WOW! i think thats my favorite so far, it looks so much fun to have kids! and i love that little girls nervous looking dance moves, adorable!!

  2. this was cute. that doesn't mean i think she should win or anything...

  3. Thanks Boots! And yes my daughter is a crazy little dancer.

    Thanks Kera... hoping the second sentance in your comment isn't exactly true. I am missing the sarcasm through the internet, but I am taking it as such.
