

you can call me Garth (cause I'm shameless)

Here's the deal.
I know how many visits I get a day
I know how many votes i am behind in the mommy blogger contest 
and I know that most of you are holding out on me 
So now i am resorting to the ugly face of "informal palm greasing"
{which according to my computer thesaurus, is WAY more awesome way of saying "bribery"}
and here's how it will go down:
The grand prize for the mommy blogger winner is a bunch of awesome free shwagg 
{no disrespect...but is my mind in the gutter, or does that creature have wiener shaped ears??}
But there are, like, lots of things in this swag bag 
and it just wouldn't be right if one girl were to keep it all that jazz to herself
{whomever she may be}
and i, my friends, am all about sharing the love!
So each day that you vote for me here 
leave me a comment below {in this post}
you can leave as many comments as you leave votes {you can vote once a day}
the more comments you leave 
the better your chance at being the lucky beneficiary to something special in the prize package
{and there will be more than one of you}
so from today until the 31st of August...
{and only if you truly think i am qualified to win this award, of course}
also if you leave a comments here without actually voting,,,
well...that totally defeats the purpose, you know ;)
I didn't want to show you the pitiful face of my "wretched bad taste"
{which according to my computer thesaurus is another way to say "desperation"}
but as of now I am in the top three, but still pretty far behind
and the gloves have to come off
thats where you come in.
{but I promise i won't punch you in the face}
Don't let me down friends-o-boo!!


  1. Thanks for the reminder to vote! I've got mine in for today.

  2. i vote every day you post and leave a link! good luck...that's some good swagga!

  3. the ears are very phallic. (i voted for you.)

  4. "Take me, Garth."
    "Where? I'm low on gas and you need a jacket."

    That probably wasn't what you had in mind but it's what I thought of.

    Good luck in the polls! (I totally voted.)

  5. girl you know i've voted twice already for you! and i must agree those ears are very peter looking.

  6. i voted.

    you're so awesome.
    and you can totally catch up and be number one!

  7. yeahhhhhhhhh girl.

    I hope you win.
    I am voting.
    like crazy.

    and I love garth brooks and yes...those ears DO look like wieners.


  8. there was this HUGE football player named Garth in college. I had a freshman level class with him... he sat in the front row, slept (with his mouth open), drooled, and snored.

    I hope that wasnt a baby name you were considering. Lovely visual though, don't you think?

    I believe I've voted for you 3 times now? 4? And I will keep on keeping on. Yes, yes I will.

    Hope your stomach is staying put these days.

  9. Okay okay i voted for you again! and i bookmarked the pg so i can go back every day. i really hope you win and someday i hope i will be a great mommy just like you - minus all the poop.

  10. You don't have to bribe me to vote for you but since you offered I'm not gonna say no.

    One more vote for Team Boo!

    You need a T-shirt like that one on Napoleon Dynamite that said "Vote for Pedro" You should make a button with that shirt but it says "Vote for Team Boo." We could all put the button on our blogs and campaign for you.

    That would take some work though and I'm tired just from typing the suggestion so I can't imagine that you would have the energy to do something like that. If you did though, you could totally take the credit and act like it was all your idea.

    Can you tell that I've had 3 cups of coffee?

    Go Team BOO woo hoo!:0


  11. i vote daily, tell my friends to vote and i even dedicated a post to you in my blog! wink, wink!! lol.

    you're a little behind but there is still time!!!

  12. i hav voted everyday since u posted first :] i want u to win no doubt about it xxx

  13. You would be good in politics!
    Of course you have my vote.

  14. you have my vote... i voted today and i will tomorrow and the next and the next and the next and the .... ...

  15. i voted for you because i think you should win.

  16. I voted! And by the way, your story about falling off the bed, followed by a fart and peeing your pants, was freaking hilarious. hahaha No offense. :)

    Love your blog!

  17. you got my vote man, cuz you keeps it real and that's dope. and that was gross. either way- my gift to you would be for you to win AND keep your weiner ear'd pal all to yourself! for real.

  18. I'm voting! Also put a shout out for you on my blog, hopefully it'll bring a few more votes. :) good luck.

  19. I voted for you, but not because of the swag. I'm mostly doing it to counteract the INSANE jealousy I feel towards you and your overt adorableness. It was therapeutic.

  20. Of course ! I have been voting for you everyday so far!

  21. Ok..... I don't really want any share of your "prize".. seriously.. I have WAY to much junk (errr stuff) as it is.. but little cousin of mine... I vote everyday and even got a couple of my FB friends to vote for you! :0) I'll once again share it on my FB page and ask my darling friends to please vote for you.. Because I think you deserve to win (and I'm not saying that just because we are family) you write some seriously funny stuff.. and dreading your blog (sadly) is sometimes the highlight of my day! Good Luck!!! Next summer you need to come and visit us! We miss you!!!

  22. wow! i had voted yesterday but i voted again today. i versed in the ways of these polls - a vote a day? hmmmm...

    good luck!

    (and i'll keep votin')

  23. I voted for you this lovely Friday morning.


  24. I voted today! (I did the other day too, but I didn't realize you could vote once a day!) Good Luck!

  25. voting voting voting...everyday

    go team boo

  26. vote - check!

    good luck and happy friday!

  27. Oh, you are SO close!! One more vote from me ;) Good luck~~

  28. I gave you my friday vote. Have a great weekend!

  29. You're gaining momentum girly! Another day, another vote! ;)


  30. you've got my vote for sure. I will be going back every day to vote from now on, can't think of anyone better to win Best Mommy Blogger!!

  31. voted again :] ur getting there

  32. yay! I'm glad to see you tied for first! hopefully by tomorrow you will be leading and gaining ground each day!

  33. voted today and yesterday!

  34. It's Sunday and I'm feeling a bit snarky. Yet, I am still your dedicated voter, just sent another one your way.


  35. I've been voting! It is sooo close. Good luck once more! We hope you win!

  36. another voice ur way! its gettin tight now best of luck :] xxx

  37. voted!! what a close race!! i know you can do it!!

  38. vote vote vote! your tied for lead!BOO YA!!!

  39. just voted and you are tied! yayyy!!

  40. voted.

    you may not have the fastest followers, but we have the most endurance!

  41. You are tied!
    Another vote on Monday!

  42. Man I've been voting for you since the day you were born ( and sometimes i log into my other account and get to vote for you twice. )

  43. i do blieve u r in d lead wooooot xxxx

  44. i voted are currently in first!!

  45. just voted for you...looks like you're currently tied for first.

  46. Voted... again... and just to let you know how much I want you to share you free goods with me... I will vote tomorrow too ;) What can I say, with my husband on the UI list I am pretty shameless right now ;) Good luck!

  47. voted this morning!
    you are officially ahead!
    you can do this!

  48. votey vote voted.
    still leadin!

  49. i just voted again - its a race!! i'll be back tomorrow!

  50. Voted again and excited to see that it's now neck and neck.

  51. i always forget to post my votes here! voted again... you're still in the lead!

  52. I voted cause you made me and cause you have cute kids.

  53. boo-m boo-m boo-m ur still in d lead :] x

  54. Wednesday...I must really like you because voting for you has become part of my morning routine.


  55. another day, another are currently 4 votes behind - vote people!!

  56. You are so close Carolyn! When I voted you were neck to neck with that other blogger!

  57. voted! you are getting there!

  58. voted again. those other bloggers are going down.

  59. ur coming 2nd again but its ok u will b bak in d game sooner den u can say other mommy bloggers are goin dooooooooooooooown

  60. Oh man, you are falling behind! is it cheating to vote from 5 different computers in my office? i don't think so. I'm off!

  61. voted again...i'm keeping my fingers crossed!

  62. Voted again. And made my friend vote too.

  63. as of right now, you are only 14 votes away from taking the #1 spot! :)

  64. voted. yest and today... just so ya know.

  65. i voted for ya yesterday...

  66. and i voted for ya today!

  67. voted. you only have 2 more days!! you better post about it... you're getting behind!

  68. voted today! you are getting there! still time!

  69. found your blog...LOVE IT...voted.

    p.s. congrats on your pregnancy, you make beautiful babies. :)

  70. I voted today and yesterday.In the midst of a tummy bug.


  71. i voted one last time for you, just in case it might make a difference. it has to make you feel pretty good to have gotten all those votes!
