

broken record.

 {via little gypsy by the fallen princess project } It happened.
I knew the day would come.
it just cam sooner than i thought. I told Adam a funny story about my sister
and then not even 10 minutes later, i told him the EXACT SAME story 
with absolutely no recollection!
this has happened to me once before during pregnancy, 
but i thought it was a fluke.
 pregnant chicks are CRAZY. arm muscles, crazy
{and i am no exception} but this isn't to say my husband doesn't find me completely adorable,  cause he does. just adorable...and crazy.


  1. hilarious. when i'm pregnant, i just want oranges.

  2. ahahaahha! LOVED the post, especially the photos!! LOL.

    Be sure and pop by & leave me a note! And would you be able to follow?


  3. seriously loving that photo - i need to go check out the rest!

  4. Okay, so how have I not found you before? I think I'm in love with you.

  5. HAAHAHAHA! i just read this to levi. we laughed at you! :)

  6. I can SO relate! Found you through my friend Brittany and am loving the blog! So creative.
    I am pregnant for the first time right now (3rd child... a little miracle baby after adopting 2) and am totally crazy!! It is good to know that other prego chicks are crazy too... thanks for making me feel better! Sweet picture.
