

twin peeks.

this post is dedicated to Lewis 
who's new "mom do" looks fabulous.

For your viewing pleasure, here is my hair love-child....

It seems that eventually i'll completely disappear behind my bangs. Which isn't to say I hate my's just that some days i truly look like a friar, and then i don't have to photoshop as much ;)

If these two mated, i think it would be pretty close.  But my boobs aren't quite as shiny as Xena's....ALMOST....but not quite. 

{which is the call of a warrior princess}


  1. Love it! Sometimes I feel the same way. I have bangs some days I feel more confident to wear them all forward and some days i don't One time at church I had a lady in Relief Society come up to me and lift my bangs from my forehead and was like " oh brooke its you, were you trying to hide under all that shag!" Ha Old ladies make me laugh!

    Yes, the Inn we stayed at was fabulous! I will post pics asap. Were are you visiting in Ca?

  2. You're the hottest friar ever.

  3. When I first got my bangs, the lady who cut them for me basically gave me a complimentary mullet as well. It's finally grown out some, but I very much know where you're coming from with the friar cut.

  4. WHO is that creepy man/woman/friar in the first picture?

    TOO funny.

  5. it's the "berries and cream" guy from the starburst commercials :) if you haven't seen it you've got to look it up...

  6. i so happen to have that very starbusrt commercial saved to my favorites on youtube. mainly because i as well am a little lad who loves berries and cream. well, more of a little lass.
