

sharing sucks.

why would anyone ever want to stop doing this??....
when i told him to take turns with his cousin he went on a rampage.  Ten seconds later on time out he screamed the meanest thing he could think to express...

 "I am grumpy at everyone...and i HATE....cupcakes!!"
{oh no he di-n't....i wanted to be strong, but i had to turn my head to smile}

*later that day he asked me "where's your peeps Mom? did the bad guys came and took it?" 

**in another recent anger outburst he shouted "your weird MOM! I'm NOT gonna be your mom anymore!!"


  1. oh my gosh! i looove the things kids say. i tell my best friend this all the time. all you moms out there need to write down all these cute/funny quotes in a book each time they do it and one day... give them the book.

  2. that is hilarious! made me smile...thanks!

  3. Ha Ha! Oh I wish mine could talk so he could say funny things to me! So cute!

  4. oh no! not cupcakes! i guess it could have been worse, though! ;) this totally put a smile on my face! little kids are the greatest!

  5. Naww! I love kidlet's little anger management moments. And I particularly love his come exaggeration of being grumpy at EVERYONE and taking his grumpiness out on one of the best things in the world.....CUPCAKES! Poor little guy doesn't know what he's missing out on haha.

  6. Oh my. I hope he and cupcakes can work out their problems soon. ;)

  7. That boy was spittin' out some fightin' words!

  8. whod'a guessed by the picture?!
