

if feet could talk...

Have you been here??  It would have never occurred to me to make a whole blog devoted to, none other than, feet!  But oh the tales that could be told if our feet had voices!  Now, thanks to Gypsy Feet, they do :)
And how strange that my pushing-size-ten-manly-bunion-feet, of all feet, would be featured there.  See how fantastically ugly my feet are here and here. here's my blurb...
"I never knew feet could be so interesting, and....cute! Probably because i've lived with monster man/hand feet my whole life. I have come to terms though and decided that my feet are the best when they are dirty and bare...cause that means i have been living ;) The dorkiest thing is that for years i wouldn't even show my feet!! Now i couldn't even care less...they take me places!! Run races, jump on beds, play footsies, and even pick up laundry. Basically, feet rock!...especially mine ;)"
*P.S. they don't always look this way, they were just helping ;)  {*i promise i'm not tooting my own horn with this...but the picture needed and explanation. For the record i can't stand dirty feet in my bed} *P.P.S. Check out the "Polished pickle" {one of the creative masterminds of Gypsy feet} it is fantastic and beautiful in all, i always love a fellow freckle face ;)


  1. What a fun blog! Thanks for recommending it. I cringe if someone sits on my bed with dirty feet!

  2. i just came across gypsy feet the other day.
    SO CLEVER! and so cute!
    i really like the name you have assigned your feet.
    (nice and descriptive.)

    p.s. that garage sale looked like it was rockin! wow!

  3. ....pushing-size-ten-bunion-man/monkey-feet....

    im rolling!

  4. aw thank you!! i like him too :)

    i think you're blog famous.. so i gasped when i saw you'd gasped when you came to my lowly little blog.

  5. i am still here and still addicted your blog. your so darn creative and smart and cute and so on. i actually think by the way that your feet are cute to. you should see mine. i have grandma feet. yuck.
    any time you want to meet in the walmart parking lot just let me know.

  6. yayyyy! your feet DO rock! i love your little blurb on gypsy feet. it's beautiful. :)

  7. Weeeeeee! Gypsy! I have size 10 feet and find it hard to admit that for some reason BUT in the UK, where I'm from, that's only a size 7. I like to think of it that way. I loved having your feet appear on the site. Thanks for sharing :)

  8. Addie so glad to hear it!...maybe we should shake it up and do a AZ MIlls parking lot play date. think of all the crazy jazz that goes down there!

    strippers, knife fights...your cup will be spilling over.

  9. It's so refreshing to read about someone else with man hands/feet. If that makes any sense!

    Cute blog and blurb about feet!

  10. i'm not really a fan of feet.. but loved this very cute post

    hope you're having a lovely tuesday night

