

In the name of love...

I know i know i've been all gushy and lovey dovey with my posts lately. Fortunately this is really how i feel. In the face of great divide in the world, i choose to love as many things as i can. Be it my family, my church, sweet pork salads, or these darling strangers...

(with their yellow accessories, and their tiny balloons.)
Love them with me...

This beautiful couple just got married...and frankly if i could french kiss their adorableness I would.  Are you from a magazine??...No, your just really that quirky and cute and spunky and in looooove.  You know there are people like me that would love to hate you. {jealous bastards}. As for me i choose to adore you and the amazing photographers that captured your magical day.  You see, i have a soft spot for weddings. More specifically, for girls who get to wear yellow shoes and calf length dresses on their wedding day. Some dictionaries would argue that a girl like me (who had a wedding like mine) was, well "bitter"...heck, it might even go so far as to use me as the example sentence: 'with each wedding she envied, the bitter young bride's soul turned a darker shade of black'.

But not this time i shout "HOORAY to your adorable and equally impossible for me to pull off wedding head band! HOORAY for your husbands willingness to wear a skinny tie! and HOORAY to your killer style and sweet love!  May all your wedded days be as blissful as this one" (cracking psychotic smile).


  1. Remember how you are so amazing? Remember how you were so brave to show up last night and hang out with some old ladies and raw fish?

    Let's do it again soon.

  2. how much cooler would i be if i told you that i'm related to stacie, the bride? just thought you i'd open another inner vault of my amazingness for you.

    thanks for coming to my party. no one noticed your sweatfest. hardly.

  3. No thank YOU girls....glad to have been part of your freakin' entourage ;) Don't get too "amazing", or i might have to start hating you. Its a fine line.

  4. flattered!!

    (sloans pointed me in your blog-direction, hope you don't mind.)
