Just because summer is almost over, doesn't mean I can't still look hot. No, not that kind of "hot"...the sweaty-faced-jeans-are-sticking-to-my-legs kind of hot.
today's lows:
-having nothing but donuts and sugar in my stomach since last thursday (when life got even crazier than usual).
-having the air conditioning in my house stop working.
-trying to clean up my explosion of a house after the fundraiser in a stuffy 89 degrees.
-the 11 loads of laundry (not exaggerating) waiting to be folded heaped on my bed.
...yet its redeeming qualities:
-Elyott came home from school with DRY pants.
-Adam is making dinner without being asked (wait, what?)
-I am officially done cleaning up the garage sale stuff (thank you MISTI!) YEE HAW!!!!
hey way to go on the fundraiser!! holy crap $5000.00 thats amazing. if it makes you feel better my laundry looks like that every day.