

my lovehandles' nightmare...

I will be running the PF Chang's full marathon in January if anyone is interested in slowly killing themselves along with me.  I'm going to start training mid to late October.  Don't all jump at once, i know, but you will be soooo happy when it's over....and don't be scared, for what can be worse than "Laughing Sal?" (see above)

(I'm going to go ahead and directly correlate the number of takers on this one to how many people like my non-blogged-real-life company....don't let me down stalkers...i mean friends).


  1. If I was still in AZ I'd totally do it with you! :(

  2. I think we both know the answer to that question.

    It'll be my last hurrah before i have another baby and my body goes way downhill. you know you want to...and you are so capable, that is if you aren't already pregnant, ha.

  3. therein lies the problem. pregnancy. not yet but was planning soon until the idea of this stupid race crept in. that and ski season. babies can wait, right?

  4. i can't stop laughing at that green witch pic. your kids faces...tyson is trying to sleep and i seriously can't stop laughing...i have to walk away now

  5. I thought you could just wear the miracle jeans and all would be well? Maybe you can run in them.
